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SILIFFE Life Project - Meeting with farmers and fishermen

( Treviso, 23 March 2016 )

The Siliffe Life Project for the improving of Sile river's habitats and species is starting its first activities. Two information meetings have been planned to involve the subjects who work and live in the territory everyday.

The first meeting will take place in the Park's head office on the 31st of March at 2.00 pm. The main farmers associations in the province of Treviso (Coldiretti, CIA and Confagricoltura) will also take part in the meeting.

The second meeting will be held on the same day at 6.00 pm and will gather the representatives of the fishermen associations of the Sile river.

The meetings are open to anyone who is interested in the project's themes.

SILIFFE Life Project - Meeting with farmers and fishermen
SILIFFE Life Project - Meeting with farmers and fishermen
Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo RuraleRegione VenetoSile OasiLife Siliffe
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