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Sile Rainbow Trout

The Rainbow Trout is a freshwater fish of the Salmonidae family. It is characterized by a slender body scattered with black spots (including fins and tail) and small scales. Rich in multicolor reflections, with green, violet, and blue nuances, it has along the its flanks an orange or pink iridescent band becoming particularly evident during the reproduction period.

In Veneto, in particular along the course of the river Sile, favored by the several resurgence freshwaters present in the area, the first Italian "trout farming" activities started at the end of the 1950s: they have led to the production of a characteristic product and have become a model for the development of aquiculture in other areas of Veneto. As a matter of fact, the particular features of the water of this river are ideal to meet the trout reproduction and farming needs: an average temperature of approximately 13°C and a sufficient quantity of oxygen for the digestive processes are the conditions that have enabled the development of the industry of Treviso which, spontaneously born on the initiative of some entrepreneurs, puts on the market today 10,000-15,000 quintals fish every year.
To promote the features of these products and the farming methods, in September the event "Peschiere aperte nel Parco del fiume Sile" is held. The territory dedicated to the production of the Rainbow Trout involves some Municipalities of the Province of Treviso crossed by the river: Istrana, Morgano, Quinto di Treviso, Treviso, Casale sul Sile.
From a nutritional point of view, the Rainbow Trout is an extremely valid product, since it is easily digestible and is suitable also for a low-calorie diet. It has many cooking uses: it can be baked in aluminum foils, grilled, boiled, and prepared in many other ways.

Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo RuraleRegione VenetoSile OasiLife Siliffe
© 2024 - Parco Regionale del Fiume Sile
Via Tandura, 40 - 31100 Treviso
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