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Living the Park


This section contains articles and essays (in Italian) about the Sile and the local area, available to those who want to learn more about themes associated with the river.
The valuable research carried out by academics and famous names from the worlds of science, art, gastrosophy and the culture of the river represents a wealth of knowledge to consolidate the value of the area's identity, steeped in history and tradition.  
Philological and astute, animated by passion and love to enhance our memories.
Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo RuraleRegione VenetoSile OasiLife Siliffe
© 2024 - Parco Regionale del Fiume Sile
Via Tandura, 40 - 31100 Treviso
Tel +39 0422/321994 - Fax +39 0422/321839
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