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The management of cross-border water bodies: comparing experiences

Friday 16th November 9.30 a.m. Cinema-Theater of Tolmin

( Treviso, 31 October 2018 )

The Life SilIFFe Project deals with the protection of the river Sile, the management of the river to guarantee the ecological functionality, fish restocking and the control of alien fish species.The latter represent a danger for the typical species of our waters due to their extreme adaptability and resistance to environmental conditions, causing their decadence or even disappearance.
At the conference there will be speakers from various Life projects, from Italy and Slovenia.

The management of cross-border water bodies: comparing experiences

9.00 a.m. Registration of participants

9.30 a.m. Greetings

Morning session

9.45 a.m. "The SilIFFE Project - The concrete actions" 
(Dr. Marco Zanetti - Bioprogramm s.c.)

10.15 a.m. “The Fluvial Functionality Index (FFI) and the Fluvial Protection Areas (FPA)”
(Dr. Maurizio Siligardi - River Ecologist)

10.45 a.m. “Restocking with native fish fauna and fight against alien spieces”
(Dr. Barbara Grava Vanin - Treviso District)

11.00 a.m. “Agricultural sector: key role to management and conservation biodiversity”
(Dr. Lisa Causin - Veneto Region)

11.15 a.m. Coffee break

11.45 a.m. “C2 and C3 actions: environmental redevelopment interventions along the river Sile”
Dr. Davide Malavasi - Naturalist and Agronomist)

12.00 p.m. “Ecological situation of the water bodies of Slovenia”
(Dr. Klavdij Bajc - Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation)

12.20 p.m. “Economic and social aspects linked to repopulation of endemic fish species in upper Soča”
Dr. Miro Kristan - Head of Environment, spatial planning and rural development department at Soča valley development centre and the President of Soča river foundation)

12.40 p.m. “Fisheries management in Slovenia”
(Dr: Blaž Zidarič - Fisheries research institute of Slovenia - Head of the acquaculture department)

1.00 p.m. Lunch time

Afternoon session

2.30 p.m. “PROJECT Life for Lasca: Urgent measure to conserve nearly extinct species Protochondrostoma genei
Dr. Marko Rajkovič, Fishery Expert)

2.50 p.m. “PROJECT VIPava: Measures for the conservation and improvement of the status of endangered animal species and habitats in the Vipava valley”
Dr. Nino Kirbiš, Expert Associate)

3.10 p.m. “PROJECT Life Stržen LIFE16 NAT/SI/000708: Improvement of Natura 2000 statuses with renaturation of Stržen’s riverbed on intermittent Cerknica Lake, agricultural management and fisheries management of Cerknica Lake”
(Dr. Ana Gabrejna - Project coordinator LIFE STRŽEN and Dr. Dejvid Tratnik - Project coordinator KRAS.RE.VITA)

3.30 p.m. “The AQUALIFE Project”
Dr. Tiziana Di Lorenzo - Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems of the CNR)

3.50 p.m. “Integrated hydraulic-environmental restoration of the reclamation channels” – The LIFERINASCE Project (LIFE+13 ENV/IT/000169)”
(Dr. Aronne Ruffini - Reclamation Consortia of Central Emilia)
(Eng. Marco Monaci - Marco Monaci srl)

4.10 p.m. “The selection of the Adriatic grayling with the help of cryopreservation of sperm”.
Dr. Dusan Jensensek)

4.30 p.m. Coffee break

5.00 p.m. Panel discussion – “Environmental protection and anthropic activities”
Chairman: Dr. Paolo Turin)

6.00 p.m. Conference closing

The management of cross-border water bodies: comparing experiences
The management of cross-border water bodies: comparing experiences
Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo RuraleRegione VenetoSile OasiLife Siliffe
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