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The churches of the Sile

Numerous churches line both banks of the river Sile for the full length of its course. Here we will consider just those whose position places them in close contact with the river, without mentioning others which, although in municipalities crossed by the Sile, have no direct relationship with the river, including from a landscape point of view.
Today there are five churches along the banks of the first part of the River Sile, for the most part renovated or reconstructed in the 19th and 20th centuries, but all of ancient origin. These are the churches of San Martino at Morgano, San Giorgio and San Cassiano at Quinto di Treviso, the church of the Visitazione at Canizzano, and the churches of Sant'Angelo and San Giuseppe. A topographic drawing dating from 1709 in the Venice State Archives shows many more, but apart from the approximate nature of the map, each individual church probably indicates the villages or hamlets in the area. However, in addition to those listed above, another is known through memories, documents and consistent testimonies, Santa Cristina del Tiveron.

Cendon di Silea Church
Cendon di Silea Church
(photo by: Gianfranco Speranza)
Sant'Ambrogio di Fiera Church
St Helen Church
San Cassiano Church - Quinto di Treviso
Treviso - St Angel Church
Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo RuraleRegione VenetoSile OasiLife Siliffe
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