The Protected Area
The 4152 hectare (16 sq miles) River Sile Regional Natural Park lies within 11 municipalities in the provinces of Padua, Treviso and Venice.
The springs are situated between Casacorba di Vedelago (Treviso) and Torreselle di Piombino Dese (Padua), source of Italy's longest resurgence river, about 70 km from Casacorba di Vedelago (Treviso) to Portegrandi di Quarto d'Altino (Venice), the natural mouth of the river in the Venice Lagoon before the "Taglio del Sile" canal was opened.
- Managing body: River Sile Regional Natural Park Authority
- Headquarters: Via Alessandro e Luigi Tandura, 40 - Villa Letizia - 31100 Treviso (TV)
- Tel. 0422/321994
- Fax: 0422/321839
- E-mail:
- Surface area: 4,159 ha (16 sq miles)
- Provinces: Padua, Treviso and Venice
- Set up: 1991 ( Regional Law no. 8 of 28-1-1991)
Cervara Mill
(photo by: Gianfranco Speranza)