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Luganega trevisana

Luganega trevisana differs from all the other sausages produced all over Veneto for its size. The meat of the pork jowl and neck (coming exclusively from local breeding activities) are minced, flavored with salt and pepper, and packed into the bowels tied and divided into four pieces. This preparation method gives the opportunity to use the meat near the wound (fleshing) on the neck of the pig, soaked with blood, otherwise useless.
Luganega trevisana can also be prepared with meat and fat that have not been touched by the blood of the animal, and in this case it is characterized by a lighter color.
Two varieties are sold: the "lean" variety, ideal for barbecues, and the "fat" variety that can be stewed, boiled, or roasted. Anyway, it must be eaten when it is fresh: therefore, it does need neither maturation nor seasoning.
According to the tradition, "luganega trevigiana bianca da riso" must be prepared with the lean part of the fresh pork belly, finely minced, and flavored; packed into a pork bowel tied every 8-10 cm and forming one string. It is flavored with salt, pepper, and the famous "dosa" from Treviso (no more than 4 grams per each kilo of minced meat). No preservatives are added. It doesn't need maturation process.
The name "luganega" is the local translation of "lucanica" of the ancient Lucanians, who used it a lot.  Luganeghe, already known in Treviso since the Middle Ages, were prepared in two varieties: "da riso", also called white, and "da rosto", also called lean. "Da riso" were very delicate sausages, and "da rosto" were prepared for the 60% with bacon without rind and for the remaining part with pork lean meat and the so-called "dosa". According to the tradition, luganega da riso was used to prepare and flavor the rice soup. Today, the rice soup has been replaced by the most common risotto.

Luganega to eat with rice
Luganega to eat with rice
(photo by: Gianfranco Speranza)
Luganega to eat with rice
Luganega to eat with rice
(photo by: Gianfranco Speranza)
Luganega to eat with rice
Luganega to eat with rice
(photo by: Gianfranco Speranza)
Luganega to eat with rice
Luganega to eat with rice
(photo by: Gianfranco Speranza)
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