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Drops of Sile

Hamlet of Canizzano

The toponym can be referred to the abundance of rushes that grew along the Sile's river banks. Canizzano was considered as the "village of the mills" for a long time. The river's water, particularly quick in this point, had been used for the mill activities since very ancient times: the first documents referring to the presence of the mills in Canizzano and Mure (a locality east of the church) date back to the 14th century. A valuation of 1499 reports the presence of 22 wheels in Canizan, except for the municipality of Mure. The last mill, called Granello, was closed in 1985.

Municipality: Treviso (TV) | Region: Venetia | View on Map
Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo RuraleRegione VenetoSile OasiLife Siliffe
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