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Ancient trades

The miller's art

The mill itinerary
Milling and trade were never more flourishing along the Sile. The driving force behind the river's economic development was invention of the watermill. Its spread between the 5th and 11th centuries was encouraged by the abundant and regular flow of the Sile and its tributaries. A document dating from 710 mentions a mill on the Sile near Casier. In 1568, there were 84 mill wheels downstream of Treviso alone as far as the confluence of the Musestre, including the tributaries.  The affluence of the Melma on the Sile was also exploited to obtain energy to work the mill.  
Milling and trade were never more flourishing along the Sile. In 1568, there were 84 mill wheels downstream of Treviso alone as far as the confluence of the Musestre, including the tributaries... The obligation to produce imposed by the Venetian government which demanded provision of 30,000 bushels per month forced the mills to operate continuously night and day.

Former Bordignon Mill
Former Bordignon Mill
(photo by: Gianfranco Speranza)
The Wheel of former Rachello Mill
The Wheel of former Rachello Mill
The Wheel of former Rachello Mill
Former Bordignon Mill
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