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Portesine water pump complex

Water pump is a type of pump used to absorb and drain big water masses, especially during reclamation works in case of floods. Water pumps were used to carry out extended reclamation works in some Italian territories during the 20th century. This water pumping complex is divided into two plants, a recent one and a historical one. The historical plant, as provided by the project, consists of three water pumping groups: two of them are composed by two pumps with a 5,000 l/s flow rate, each activated by two 420 hp electric engines, the third group featuring a pump with a 6,000 l/s flow rate and a 500 hp electric engine.
In case of interruption they provided the installation of a 500 hp diesel engine. This plant has been replaced by three electric pumps, and it is reactivated only in case of emergency.

Municipality: Roncade (TV) | Region: Venetia | View on Map
Portesine water pump complex
Portesine water pump complex
(photo by: PR Sile)
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